10. Problems with health. Your problems with health the woman do not interest. Do not think that you will win its liking, having told that at you, for example, a chronic heartburn. It can work only in case of harmless, obvious problems, for example, hand or foot crisis.
9. A technical slang. It is necessary to remember that women hate any slang, especially not clear. If you use many abstruse words, at the best, she will think that you are too occupied by the work, and, in the worst that you try to expose its silly woman.
8. The former girls. Even forget to think of mentioning in conversation of the former girlfriends. It is important for many reasons, not in the last instance, because as a result you can tell much about the last stories and open the lacks. Do not try to tell, how you changed to the former girl-friend or what it was the bore because called to you on hundred times in the course of the day. At the given stage the accurate basis on which to build relations is necessary. The woman should think that you have torn all emotional communications with the past and move forward in a constructive, mature manner.
7. Sports. In case you have grown in a cave and have just now come to light, here to you an axiom of the modern world: the majority of women do not love sports so, how much men love it. Though it is possible to understand that you wish to share with it charm of football or hockey, however, probably, it will not divide your enthusiasm. And your knowledge of results of all matches will not force it to consider you clever.
6. Stories about unsuccessful travel. It should be rather fascinating story, otherwise to it it will be boring. Stories how you were late for the bus and how you in the plane have got to turbulence and could not get two hours to a toilet, fascinating are not considered. There is a high probability that she will answer your fast story to the, and as a result to both of you to death it will be boring. Thus, you waste time and possibility to light a love spark.
5. Daily occurrence. You can be sure of that: that you did today, is not present anything interesting, at least, for the woman with whom you are yet familiar. To have fun over daily things, it is necessary to know well each other. Also it is necessary to avoid too detailed discussion of teleprograms, films and to that similar.
4. People whom she does not know. You can spoil appointment if will speak about people with whom the woman is not familiar. If it someone who is pleasant to you, the friend or the acquaintance she or will start to judge you on the basis of the opinion on that person about which you to it tell, or she starts to reflect and will become isolated, comparing itself to this person. If it someone who is not pleasant to you, that is probability that you seem to it hardened, nervous, disturbing, more shortly, your lacks become visible.
3. Cars. Any five years' child to you will tell: boys play machines, girls – in dolls. Stories about roaring engines and original design of cars which so excite men, in women causes пожимание shoulders and a question "well and what?".
2. Excessive love to pets. Puppies, of course, a good theme for conversation, but, more likely, between the neighbours walking dogs. It is not obligatory to woman to listen, your dog was what lovely puppy, and that it thus did. The possession ostensibly will not make the charming house pupil you attractive. Though many people love the pets, frequently behind it disappears easy коннотация that at them not everything is all right with interhuman relations. And you after all do not want, that the girl has suspected something similar?
1. Sex. To say on the first appointment about, say, positions during sex, it all the same, what to praise highly favourite by martini on interview on work. Do not hasten. Forget that you read in pornomagazines. She will think that you are frivolous or that you the pervert. Do not try to take the initiative and to fasten "mature" conversation on sex because she вряд that will apprehend it. But if the woman does obvious, strong hints of sexual character by all means pick up a theme and too hint.
Successful appointment!
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