For example, if the girl does not remove gym shoes, it means that before you the person rather independent, not inclined to self-sacrifice which practically does not depend on another's opinion. It absolutely knows well where goes and has own sight at all event in her life. Putting before itself the purposes, it confidently and resolutely moves forward. And quite often even thus walks on heads of people surrounding it. The most important advantage of this girl is its surprising ability to be on friendly terms – it never will leave the friend in a trouble, and will always support a difficult minute.
If on legs of the girl is elegant-aggressive shoes on a hairpin flaunt, it is possible to assume with confidence that their owner aspires to live in grand style. She adores secular parties, the noisy companies, cheerful holidays and other rough pleasures of a life. Its motto – «possible it is necessary to choose From all only the best!». It is capable of much, including on professional successes, but, as a rule, under the direction of clever, courageous, and the strong man.
Low shoes of army type give out ambition and a self-trust. Having noticed the young lady in such footwear, be assured – before you nature vain and aimed at success. It is not too easy on lifting as prefers to consider carefully a situation before starting to operate. But if this person makes a choice will move ahead with energy of the bulldozer. This girl, as a rule, does not waste the words, and to aspire to fulfil always the promises. Having entrusted it secret, it is possible not to doubt – it not from those who stirs much.
Graceful лодочки the girl romantic and pensive carries. As a rule, it has any creative hobby – dances, music, drawing, singing, weaving of laces or cultivation of plants. Its nature forces it to aspire to an order in everything, and its dreams of ideal love do it a little strange in the opinion of associates. From films such girl, most likely, prefers romantic melodramas, she is ready to search for "prince" very long, and even having been disappointed in love, at heart she continues to believe that the long-awaited meeting nevertheless will take place.
The young lady in sandals or moccasins, as a rule, easily solves the knotty problems. The self-control and analytical thinking help it to make a correct choice and to take from any situation as much as possible the positive moments. It is capable not only to operate the emotions, but also to influence behaviour of other people. Possessing strong will and high inquiries, this girl is capable to construct that life which will make its happy. And here in the elect it on the first place puts mental abilities.
But it is not necessary to forget that all aforesaid – only short grant. And it is final, time - the best indicator of that, this theory concerning each separately taken woman is how much true!
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