
Monday, July 27, 2009

What will tell footwear about character of the woman?

Of what only tests were thought up by mankind to learn about unfamiliar people as much as possible! It would Seem, what it is possible to learn about the person, without talking at all to it? Some are assured that very much even much. Certainly, to solve all secrets of ladies' character, only having looked at its legs, hardly probably. But to learn something about the darling, according to psychologists, nevertheless it is possible.

For example, if the girl does not remove gym shoes, it means that before you the person rather independent, not inclined to self-sacrifice which practically does not depend on another's opinion. It absolutely knows well where goes and has own sight at all event in her life. Putting before itself the purposes, it confidently and resolutely moves forward. And quite often even thus walks on heads of people surrounding it. The most important advantage of this girl is its surprising ability to be on friendly terms – it never will leave the friend in a trouble, and will always support a difficult minute.

If on legs of the girl is elegant-aggressive shoes on a hairpin flaunt, it is possible to assume with confidence that their owner aspires to live in grand style. She adores secular parties, the noisy companies, cheerful holidays and other rough pleasures of a life. Its motto – «possible it is necessary to choose From all only the best!». It is capable of much, including on professional successes, but, as a rule, under the direction of clever, courageous, and the strong man.

Low shoes of army type give out ambition and a self-trust. Having noticed the young lady in such footwear, be assured – before you nature vain and aimed at success. It is not too easy on lifting as prefers to consider carefully a situation before starting to operate. But if this person makes a choice will move ahead with energy of the bulldozer. This girl, as a rule, does not waste the words, and to aspire to fulfil always the promises. Having entrusted it secret, it is possible not to doubt – it not from those who stirs much.

Graceful лодочки the girl romantic and pensive carries. As a rule, it has any creative hobby – dances, music, drawing, singing, weaving of laces or cultivation of plants. Its nature forces it to aspire to an order in everything, and its dreams of ideal love do it a little strange in the opinion of associates. From films such girl, most likely, prefers romantic melodramas, she is ready to search for "prince" very long, and even having been disappointed in love, at heart she continues to believe that the long-awaited meeting nevertheless will take place.

The young lady in sandals or moccasins, as a rule, easily solves the knotty problems. The self-control and analytical thinking help it to make a correct choice and to take from any situation as much as possible the positive moments. It is capable not only to operate the emotions, but also to influence behaviour of other people. Possessing strong will and high inquiries, this girl is capable to construct that life which will make its happy. And here in the elect it on the first place puts mental abilities.

But it is not necessary to forget that all aforesaid – only short grant. And it is final, time - the best indicator of that, this theory concerning each separately taken woman is how much true!

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About what it is not necessary to talk on the first appointment? Councils to men

The list from 10 taboo subjects on which men do not need to speak with women interesting to it, was generated by results of Internet interrogation. In most cases the man simply does not watch in order that he speaks. For example, the friend can tell without ceremony about the undivided love to a serial "Rescuers of Malibu", however, talking to the girl, it is necessary to be cautious with such statements. It is necessary to remember that the appointment purpose – to clear interest of the companion to conversation and, finally, to you. We advise to avoid, at least, at the first stage, following themes:

10. Problems with health. Your problems with health the woman do not interest. Do not think that you will win its liking, having told that at you, for example, a chronic heartburn. It can work only in case of harmless, obvious problems, for example, hand or foot crisis.

9. A technical slang. It is necessary to remember that women hate any slang, especially not clear. If you use many abstruse words, at the best, she will think that you are too occupied by the work, and, in the worst that you try to expose its silly woman.
8. The former girls. Even forget to think of mentioning in conversation of the former girlfriends. It is important for many reasons, not in the last instance, because as a result you can tell much about the last stories and open the lacks. Do not try to tell, how you changed to the former girl-friend or what it was the bore because called to you on hundred times in the course of the day. At the given stage the accurate basis on which to build relations is necessary. The woman should think that you have torn all emotional communications with the past and move forward in a constructive, mature manner.

7. Sports. In case you have grown in a cave and have just now come to light, here to you an axiom of the modern world: the majority of women do not love sports so, how much men love it. Though it is possible to understand that you wish to share with it charm of football or hockey, however, probably, it will not divide your enthusiasm. And your knowledge of results of all matches will not force it to consider you clever.
6. Stories about unsuccessful travel. It should be rather fascinating story, otherwise to it it will be boring. Stories how you were late for the bus and how you in the plane have got to turbulence and could not get two hours to a toilet, fascinating are not considered. There is a high probability that she will answer your fast story to the, and as a result to both of you to death it will be boring. Thus, you waste time and possibility to light a love spark.
5. Daily occurrence. You can be sure of that: that you did today, is not present anything interesting, at least, for the woman with whom you are yet familiar. To have fun over daily things, it is necessary to know well each other. Also it is necessary to avoid too detailed discussion of teleprograms, films and to that similar.
4. People whom she does not know. You can spoil appointment if will speak about people with whom the woman is not familiar. If it someone who is pleasant to you, the friend or the acquaintance she or will start to judge you on the basis of the opinion on that person about which you to it tell, or she starts to reflect and will become isolated, comparing itself to this person. If it someone who is not pleasant to you, that is probability that you seem to it hardened, nervous, disturbing, more shortly, your lacks become visible.

3. Cars. Any five years' child to you will tell: boys play machines, girls – in dolls. Stories about roaring engines and original design of cars which so excite men, in women causes пожимание shoulders and a question "well and what?".
2. Excessive love to pets. Puppies, of course, a good theme for conversation, but, more likely, between the neighbours walking dogs. It is not obligatory to woman to listen, your dog was what lovely puppy, and that it thus did. The possession ostensibly will not make the charming house pupil you attractive. Though many people love the pets, frequently behind it disappears easy коннотация that at them not everything is all right with interhuman relations. And you after all do not want, that the girl has suspected something similar?

1. Sex. To say on the first appointment about, say, positions during sex, it all the same, what to praise highly favourite by martini on interview on work. Do not hasten. Forget that you read in pornomagazines. She will think that you are frivolous or that you the pervert. Do not try to take the initiative and to fasten "mature" conversation on sex because she вряд that will apprehend it. But if the woman does obvious, strong hints of sexual character by all means pick up a theme and too hint.
Successful appointment!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

How family conflicts are born?

How family conflicts are born? Just all like would be good, but one careless word or the offer is capable, it appears to destroy such fragile world in relations. Whether probably to find the mechanism which will allow to understand a phenomenon essence?
As practice shows, conflicts often arise, apparently, for no reason, because that actual and домысленная the information in messages which are sent each other by partners or spouses, is interchanged the position. That it was more clear, I will explain on an example.
The husband comes home and at once, without talking almost, starts computer стрелялку is an actual information.

The wife who perceives this actual information, considers it, finds the reasons of such behaviour: it seems to it that to the husband with it it is uninteresting, he does not appreciate dialogue with it, does not respect her, and even at all does not love and so forth are the thoughts of the wife which have been thought up by it of an estimation and the assumption.
But when the wife starts to speak, its thoughts in одежке the facts sound: You at all do not love me!!! To you your computer is more expensive than a family!!! (I now exaggerate a little, but, you see, it is not enough).

The husband who had an unlucky day which has ended with unpleasant conversation with partners, has solved before to communicate with family, to exhaust, having killed pair of monsters. The husband thinks that thus, it shows the care of a family, therefore at first is perplexed, hearing words of the wife but as they (words) insulting, reacts, protecting itself, any roughness in the answer: to You your phone is more expensive than a family, but I do not remind of it every day!!!

The woman has thought up a situation, it would like, that the husband опровергнул its statement, has dissuaded, but husband already offended by its words (about, horror!) does not deny that to it the computer is more expensive than a family.
As a result, all are offended, there is no desire to understand that has occurred in the beginning: the wife any more does not wish to hear about an unlucky day, the husband too is not interested to find out, why the wife so needed its attention...

All new and new charges sound - the conflict grows, in extreme cases words about divorce can start to sound... Already nobody remembers, with what all, actually, has begun. Only the fact and thought have exchanged in places. When dialogue is under construction thus day by day, divorce, probably, not far off.

Exit from a current situation in accurately to separate occurring events, their ascertaining of that comes true in our head, that is домысливается. When we speak about the thoughts, underlining their subjectivity (I think, in my opinion, to me it seems and so forth), they do not sound is insulting, we after all thus speak about the subjective perception of a situation, instead of we describe the validity and we do not accuse the partner.

Russian girl in America:

How to get acquainted with girls?

We live on one planet, but sensation such that on a planet have appeared this from any other absolutely different planets. Otherwise than it is possible to explain absolute discrepancy of thoughts, characters, desires. And last years also sights at acquaintance have sharply exchanged.
The girl nice in loneliness sits (can be, and not one, and with girlfriends), misses, waits that somebody will approach to get acquainted, will keep the company, and nobody approaches. The girl starts to be angry and very soon is at the end of the resources boilings. Being in this point, it is already ready to send any far and for a long time.

And at this time in other end of a hall (or the fellow sits at the next little table). Too misses, glances towards the girl and waits. Waits, when it, at last, will show to it any sign on attention. And is even better will approach also itself will get acquainted. The girl about its desire to get acquainted not at all does not know and even about the existence of the guy such not in a course.
Because the guy is too silent and is imperceptible. Here if it has drawn to itself(himself) attention: a stare, a smile or at least loud conversation or laughter (the truth, it not absolutely decently, it is necessary to think where you are). After the girl missing has noticed the guy interesting, it is already possible to think and of attention signs.

Very much young men on a theme like to dream: «the Girl takes the first step». Will suffice to dream, they and so it do. But not in the form of the acquaintance. On such the maiden, respecting will not go, because with it and so too many people get acquainted. Or nobody gets acquainted, but she hesitates, or it is very important for it that people will think of it, and all know that decent girls do not get acquainted.

And so, there is a set of the reasons on which the girl herself for what will not approach. But some signs on attention all the same will render. However knowingly in the beginning I said that we from different planets. Girls hint, but is too thin. Men wait for a hint and it do not notice.
And actually so it is a lot of them. For example, she too can steadfastly look at you, and then hide a sight if you turn around. And can and not hide is means that the girl hints already absolutely thickly and it is necessary to operate. Such it is not observed, then it is possible to try to catch an eye casual and to smile. Not to grin, and to smile, it is desirable to add in a warmth smile (if you are capable of it), after all to girls in Russia so there is no heat. Will smile in the answer – it is possible to continue acquaintance.

Further we will walk on the process of acquaintance. Guys young abrupt films where the protagonist approaches to the girl have seen enough and speaks: «Hey, the child, I wishes to spend with you evening», and the girl is thrilled with delight that he has chosen it. Young men, all of you are fine and unique, but it is not necessary to think that the woman should be happy only because that someone will notice it. Try to LOOK after! It is even better if to do it non-standard and thus to remember that to you are not obliged to agree. Do it for the sake of art.

For example, you for a little table send a bottle something – write a note about such maintenances: «you are fine, and we sit at such little table, very melancholy, it would be desirable to you. Refusal is undesirable, our sick man's vanity of it will not worry. And then we already never will dare to get acquainted with girls. We and now hesitate». Also add a smilie. The designation of at what you sit a little table, will give the chance to girls to be convinced that you not maniacs, at least outwardly. Or try to begin acquaintance with non-standard words. Ask, who it on a zodiacal sign. When will answer, tell that and knew. Because such cheerful, beautiful, clever and outstanding personalities can be born only under this sign.

In general, compliments, compliments and once again compliments. Also do not kill in itself knights only because it, you see now not in a fashion. It is always actual, on-extreme measure for us. Good luck!

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What for to the woman a whim?

Present to the woman one million scarlet roses... And she will tell that one is necessary to it, but white!
Not so has looked, not that has told, not of that has thought, has forgotten birthday of the cousin grand daughter of a favourite cat... We arrange Such shows to men from time to time or regularly. Always without the reason. That is, without the reasonable reason, from your point of view, expensive men. And you swear aloud or about yourselves, turn away, close ears, are dissolved in air, considering that a woman's nonsense or other nonsenses on which it is not necessary to turn a close attention. Also that ourselves do not understand, what bosh we bear.
First, it is perfectly understood. Secondly, attention to it to turn very much even costs.

One my friend reacted to all my whims charm-indulgently and considered as their absolute necessity. As he told «it normally for any woman – to check thus the man on durability». Also became after that blind. It was possible to sob, shout, beat ware at it on a head – it remained the firm Egyptian sphinx, capable to wait any storm, for ahead with it eternity.

In what it was right, so it that whims for women is an obligatory appendix. And yes, so we also check you. Basically it occurs not осознанно, at intuitive level. We in general base the most part of the behaviour on so-called intuition. Or it is better to name it natural logic? The intuition is all the same something from the magic category. And female thinking nevertheless quite logically, simply communications between events and subjects for the woman far are not linear. And the length of road is not only its metric area, but also presence thus the companies from which on this road you go, quantity of a rain or the sun during walk and taste of morning coffee, and still, perhaps, yesterday's rain and the feet which have blotted in barefoot persons.

But we will return to our whims.
Expensive and favourite! You so seldom say that love us. You can repeat it every morning and all the same it – is rare. And consequently each time as soon as we need to hear «I you I love» the song is got «as you could put in tea two slices of sugar, after all I five minutes as on a diet!» Each time as soon as the woman does not have not enough your attention, begins a hysterics about that, «as you are not right». The reason declared can be any. Not in it business. Do not try to solve it with a knightly heat peculiar to men. Simply embrace and tell that it is beautiful, невзирая on any diets, and a piece of sugar you necessarily pull out from its cup a sublimation and adsorption method.

You only have got acquainted and about love and other feelings to speak early? For you early. And we check soil for planting of these feelings. That was not late. And the hysterics «I wanted here that sweet from this a stall, and you at all have not tracked a sight» is not a threshold of a coma because of a diabetes. This banal requirement of attention.

Yes, a female whim it is difficult. Also because, having begun, we hardly probable in a condition to stop independently. But, if it is possible to you... «Favourite! To you coffee in bed or tea in a cup?!»

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What to advise meekly enamoured?

To give advice – ungrateful employment. Speak, giving advice becomes responsible for those who follows its council.

What it is possible to advise to the person who is meekly enamoured? As it is possible to advise something to the one who as Russian philosopher Vladimir Solovyov wrote in due time, daily on itself feels how the relation of other person is important for it? Who emotionally (and often and physically) completely depends on an arrangement of object of the liking.

First, if can, concern the fact of the meek love philosophically. Philosophically – means not to rush from a window, not to tear on itself clothes and hair, not to climb in a loop and to a high voltage. It means to try to accept a situation as is, without setting infinite questions of type «Why with me it happens?» Or «For what to me it?» Eventually, sooner or later you should accept all as is. Whether it is necessary to dramatize that as so it is hard? From the philosophical point of view love can be regarded as short-term insanity or illness. It too helps to endure it «with the least losses», as something inevitable.

Secondly, it is not necessary «to achieve reciprocal feeling». Especially "at any cost". The love – as the relation of one person to another – anything has no general with feeling of gratitude or is simple the good relation. Achieving an arrangement "by all means", you will put yourselves at the best in a humorous situation. Pity has with love no anything the general. The love as the relation simply is – or it is not present. It does not appear together with gratitude and does not disappear, if the favourite person makes something bad.

Thirdly, try not to forget that other person – not your property. That he (it) will never behave how you would like it. Or so that to you was not so painfully. Simply because each person himself chooses, what to it to be. Jealousy for the majority of people not only the love companion, but also one of its signs. But the jealousy appears there where on the beloved look as at the property. Hardly it is necessary to list all negative sides (and possible consequences) to jealousy. And positive at it it is not revealed yet.

Fourthly, it is not necessary to create problems display of the feelings. Neither, nor associates. Especially if the object of your feelings has a family. Love passes, as any feeling. And problems which she can create, it is necessary to solve for years (children, as it is known, grow long enough). It is possible to fall in love with the person with whom in general it is impossible to establish a family or normal relations. For example, «the fatal woman» can destroy all life of the one who will grow fond of it. If he does not understand in time that it is necessary to take itself in hands.

Fifthly, do not forget that all passes. Love – the higher lifting of all forces of the person. And it passes sooner or later. Only at rare exceptions this condition proceeds more than two years (this opinion of the author since statistical researches of the given problem it was not spent). Meek love will pass. A question only – with what you after it remain. With insult on destiny and on the one who has not loved you – or with sensation of a holiday which has entered into your life. Let not so it is beautiful, as in films and novels. But it is yours and only your holiday. Your burning, your blossoming. Anybody and never will so love, as you.

It is possible to live all life, and without having learnt, what full and sated it can be. Also that looking in eyes to the favourite person, it is possible to depart from this validity. What does the sound (its) its steps force heart to fight faster, than from any adrenaline … That it is possible not to sleep days almost – whether and not to feel weariness … And what all this completeness of experiences could not be … So it is necessary to take offence at the unfortunate destiny and on the one who has not reciprocated your feeling? Solve it. Recollect a wise saying «more often If to another the bride leaves – still it is not known, to whom has carried». Also remember that love usually happens "introduction" more the deep feeling, capable to bring the present happiness and deep communication on all life. Because from the «the present half» so simply you will not leave. If only you do not give up as a bad job the private life after one or several unsuccessful experiences.

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